Dave Hulbert's Today I Learned (TIL)

Deploying a Static Site with Basic Auth on Cloudflare Pages

Here's how to deploy a static HTML site on Cloudflare Pages and secure it with Basic Authentication using middleware. This is simple to set up and means that people or bots can't access your site without a password.

Note that Basic Authentication is... basic. This only provides a single user/pass combo and doesn't protect against things like timing attacks. Still, it's enough for some needs like preventing people stumbling on something.

0. Prerequisits

You'll need the Wrangler CLI installed and authenticated with your Cloudflare account:

npm install -g wrangler
wrangler login

1. Prepare the Project

I'm using auth-test for my project here. If you're copy and pasting this then find and replace that.

If you haven't already, create a static site:

mkdir auth-test
cd auth-test
echo '<h1>Welcome to the Auth Test!</h1>' > index.html

Set it up as a Cloudflare Pages site:

npx wrangler pages project create auth-test

2. Add Basic Auth

We need a _middleware.js file, which Cloudflare will pick up automatically.

mkdir -p functions
touch functions/_middleware.js

Paste in the very basic middleware logic:

export const onRequest = async (context) => {
 const { request, env } = context;
 const auth = request.headers.get('Authorization');
 const [user, pass] = [env.BASIC_USER, env.BASIC_PASS];
 if (!auth || !isValid(auth, user, pass)) {
   return new Response('Unauthorized', {
     status: 401,
     headers: { 'WWW-Authenticate': 'Basic realm="Secure Area"' },
 return await context.next();

const isValid = (auth, user, pass) => {
 const [scheme, encoded] = auth.split(' ');
 if (scheme !== 'Basic') return false;
 const decoded = atob(encoded).split(':');
 return decoded[0] === user && decoded[1] === pass;

Cloudflare have an example Basic Auth Worker that covers a few more things like timing safe comparison, logging out, caching and error handling.

3. Add Secrets for Authentication

Use Wrangler to set up added the username and password as secrets:

npx wrangler pages secret put BASIC_USER
npx wrangler pages secret put BASIC_PASS

You'll be prompted to enter the secrets. Use a password manager to generate and save them.

4. Deploy the Site

Finally, deployed the project to Cloudflare Pages:

npx wrangler pages deploy . --project-name auth-test

This example deploys the current directory but you can use a git repo instead.

You'll be given a URL to the site, which should have basic auth working.