Dave Hulbert's Today I Learned (TIL)

AWS Service Comparison and Cheat Sheet

Note: these were created primarily with ChatGPT, Claude and Gemini, with a bit of back and forth prompting, pasting in AWS docs and correcting things.

AWS main topology and infrastructure options

Feature AWS Regions AWS Local Zones AWS Edge Locations AWS Wavelength AWS Outposts
Scope Geographically distinct locations with multiple Availability Zones Extensions of Regions in metro areas Global locations for content delivery and caching Integrated with telecom providers' 5G networks AWS infrastructure deployed on-premises
Purpose General-purpose, high availability, fault tolerance, disaster recovery Low-latency access to a subset of AWS services in metro areas Improve web application performance through caching Ultra-low latency and high-bandwidth for 5G applications Consistent hybrid experience and local processing
Latency Varies, typically higher compared to Local Zones and Wavelength Lower latency compared to Regions Ultra-low latency for cached content Lowest possible latency by being embedded within the 5G network Low latency for on-premises applications
Primary Use Broad spectrum of applications, data storage, backups Latency-sensitive applications like real-time gaming, live streaming, AR/VR Content delivery, web application performance Real-time applications requiring ultra-low latency and high bandwidth Applications requiring local processing, data residency, and low-latency
Services Full range of AWS services Subset of AWS services CloudFront, AWS Global Accelerator, AWS WAF, Lambda@Edge Subset of AWS services (e.g., EC2, EBS, VPC) Full range of AWS services available on-premises
Examples US East (N. Virginia), EU (Frankfurt), Asia Pacific (Tokyo) Los Angeles, Boston, Miami Over 400 locations globally Cities with 5G coverage through telecom partners like Verizon, Vodafone Customer data centers, edge locations, remote facilities
Connectivity Standard AWS global network Connected to the nearest AWS Region Part of AWS global network Directly connected to telecom providers’ 5G networks Connected to AWS Regions for hybrid workloads

AWS Networking Topology, Firewalls and Routing

Feature VPC (Virtual Private Cloud) Security Groups Network ACLs (Access Control Lists) Route Tables Internet Gateway NAT Gateway Transit Gateway AWS WAF (Web Application Firewall)
Scope Isolated section of AWS Cloud Instance-level firewall Subnet-level firewall Controls routing of traffic within VPC Connects VPC to the internet Enables outbound internet traffic for instances in private subnets Connects multiple VPCs and on-premises networks Protects web applications from common web exploits
Purpose Define a virtual network logically isolated from other AWS resources Control inbound/outbound traffic for instances Control inbound/outbound traffic for subnets Manage routes between subnets and to external destinations Allow resources in a VPC to access the internet Allow private subnet resources to access the internet Simplify network architecture with centralized connectivity Protect against web exploits like SQL injection and cross-site scripting
Granularity Network-wide Instance-level Subnet-level VPC/subnet-level VPC-level Subnet-level VPC and network-wide Application-level
Stateful/Stateless N/A Stateful Stateless N/A N/A N/A N/A Stateful
Traffic Direction Inbound and outbound Inbound and outbound Inbound and outbound Inbound and outbound Outbound only Outbound only Inbound and outbound Inbound and outbound
Default Behavior Isolated network, no traffic allowed by default Deny all inbound, allow all outbound by default Allow all inbound and outbound by default Allow routing within VPC, explicit routes needed for external traffic No traffic allowed by default No traffic allowed by default No connectivity by default No protection by default
Rules Define CIDR blocks, subnets, route tables Allow rules based on IP addresses, port numbers, protocols Allow and deny rules based on IP addresses, port numbers, protocols Define routes based on IP address ranges and targets N/A N/A N/A Rules to allow or block specific HTTP/S requests
Use Cases Customizable network topology, security, and management Protect instances from unwanted traffic Additional layer of security at the subnet level Direct traffic within VPC and to/from external networks Provide internet access to VPC resources Provide internet access to private subnets Simplify and manage complex network topologies Protect web applications from malicious attacks
Examples Create VPC with public and private subnets Configure Security Groups to allow SSH traffic on port 22 Set up Network ACL to allow HTTP traffic on port 80 Route traffic between public subnet and internet Attach Internet Gateway to VPC Deploy NAT Gateway in public subnet for private subnet access Connect multiple VPCs across regions for centralized control Apply WAF rules to protect against OWASP Top 10 vulnerabilities
Integration Integrated with other AWS services like EC2, RDS, Lambda, etc. Works with EC2 instances, ELB, RDS Works with VPC subnets, integrated with CloudTrail for logging Integrated with VPC, subnets, Internet/NAT Gateways Integrated with VPC and Route Tables Integrated with VPC, Route Tables, and Security Groups Integrated with VPCs, Direct Connect, and VPNs Integrated with CloudFront, API Gateway, ALB, and Route 53

AWS Storage Services

Feature S3 (Simple Storage Service) EBS (Elastic Block Store) EFS (Elastic File System) Glacier FSx EC2 Instance Store AWS Storage Gateway AWS File Cache
Scope Object storage Block storage for EC2 instances File storage Archival storage Managed file systems (Windows, Lustre, etc.) Ephemeral block storage for EC2 instances Hybrid cloud storage Caching for high-performance applications
Purpose Store and retrieve any amount of data Persistent block storage for EC2 instances Scalable file storage for multiple instances Long-term data archiving Specialized file systems for specific use cases Temporary storage for high I/O operations Integrate on-premises environments with AWS Cache frequently accessed data for low latency
Data Access HTTP/S, REST API Attached to EC2 instances as volumes NFS (Network File System) REST API, SDK NFS (Lustre), SMB (Windows) Directly attached to EC2 instances NFS, SMB, iSCSI NFS, SMB
Durability 99.999999999% (11 9's) 99.999% 99.999999999% 99.999999999% 99.999999999% (varies by FSx type) Data persists only during instance life Varies by configuration 99.999999999%
Availability 99.99% - 99.999999999% 99.99% 99.99% 99.99% 99.99% (varies by FSx type) Data persists only during instance life Varies by configuration 99.99%
Scalability Virtually unlimited Up to 64 TiB per volume Virtually unlimited Virtually unlimited Up to petabytes Limited to instance type Scale up by adding more gateways Scale by adding more cache nodes
Performance High throughput, low latency High IOPS, low latency Scalable throughput and IOPS Varies (low retrieval times for expedited) High performance (varies by FSx type) High IOPS, low latency Dependent on network and configuration High performance, low latency
Use Cases Backup, archival, data lakes, big data analytics Databases, file systems, applications Big data and analytics, content management Long-term backups, regulatory archives HPC, big data analytics, Windows applications Caching, temporary data processing Backup and restore, file sharing, disaster recovery High-speed caching for data-intensive applications
Pricing Pay-as-you-go, based on storage used Pay-as-you-go, based on provisioned storage Pay-as-you-go, based on storage used Pay-as-you-go, based on storage and retrieval Pay-as-you-go, based on provisioned storage Included in EC2 instance cost Pay-as-you-go, based on gateway and usage Pay-as-you-go, based on provisioned cache
Integration Integrated with many AWS services (Lambda, Athena) Integrated with EC2 Integrated with EC2, ECS, Lambda Integrated with S3 for archival Integrated with EC2, Direct Connect Integrated with EC2 Integrated with on-premises infrastructure Integrated with AWS storage services
Management Managed by AWS Managed by AWS Managed by AWS Managed by AWS Managed by AWS User-managed Managed by AWS, with on-premises deployment Managed by AWS
Examples Storing images, videos, backups, logs Running databases, ERP systems Shared file storage for web serving, CMS Archiving financial and healthcare records FSx for Windows (file storage), FSx for Lustre (HPC) High-performance storage for temporary data File Gateway for NFS/SMB, Tape Gateway Caching frequently accessed data for HPC

AWS Database Services

Feature Amazon RDS Amazon DynamoDB Amazon Aurora Amazon Redshift Amazon ElastiCache Amazon MemoryDB for Redis Amazon DocumentDB Amazon Keyspaces Amazon Neptune Amazon Timestream Amazon Quantum Ledger Database (QLDB)
Database Type Relational NoSQL (Key-Value and Document) Relational Data Warehouse In-memory cache and store Managed Redis-compatible in-memory database Managed MongoDB-compatible document database Managed Cassandra-compatible database Managed graph database Time series Ledger database
Purpose Traditional relational databases High-performance, scalable NoSQL MySQL and PostgreSQL compatibility with added performance Analytical queries and large-scale data processing Accelerate database queries, caching Low-latency, Redis-compatible caching MongoDB workloads Cassandra workloads Relationship and graph-based queries Store and analyze time series data Immutable, cryptographically verifiable ledger
Use Cases OLTP applications, transactional data Applications requiring consistent, single-digit millisecond latency at any scale High throughput and availability for relational workloads Complex analytical queries, big data Speed up read-heavy applications, session stores Real-time bidding, session caching, leaderboards Content management, catalogs, user profiles IoT, messaging, gaming applications Social networks, recommendation engines, fraud detection IoT applications, operational monitoring Supply chain, finance, health records
Data Model Tables, rows, and columns Tables with items (key-value pairs) and attributes Tables, rows, and columns Tables with rows and columns Key-value store Key-value store Collections, documents (JSON) Tables with rows and columns Property graphs (nodes and edges) Tables with rows and columns Tables with rows and columns
Scalability Vertical and horizontal scaling Fully managed, automatic scaling Auto-scaling, serverless options Scalable compute nodes and storage Cluster mode for sharding Scalable through clustering Auto-scaling storage Scalable throughput and storage Scale out with read replicas Auto-scaling, serverless Scales with ledger size
Performance High performance with provisioned IOPS Single-digit millisecond response times High performance with up to 5x throughput of standard MySQL High performance for analytical queries Low latency Microsecond read and write latencies Millisecond read and write latencies Millisecond latency Millisecond latency High ingestion rates and query performance High throughput
Availability Multi-AZ deployments for high availability Global tables for multi-region and high availability Multi-AZ, cross-region replication Multi-AZ, fault-tolerant Multi-AZ clusters Multi-AZ replication Multi-AZ, continuous backups Multi-AZ replication Multi-AZ replication Multi-AZ replication Built-in multi-region availability
Management Fully managed, automatic backups, patching, and updates Fully managed, on-demand backup and restore Fully managed, automatic backups, patching, and updates Fully managed, automatic backups, patching, and updates Fully managed, automatic backups, patching, and updates Fully managed, automatic backups, patching, and updates Fully managed, automatic backups, patching, and updates Fully managed, automatic backups, patching, and updates Fully managed, automatic backups, patching, and updates Fully managed, automatic backups, patching, and updates Fully managed, automatic backups, patching, and updates
Pricing Pay-as-you-go, reserved instances Pay-as-you-go, provisioned throughput Pay-as-you-go, reserved instances Pay-as-you-go, reserved instances Pay-as-you-go, reserved nodes Pay-as-you-go, reserved instances Pay-as-you-go, reserved instances Pay-as-you-go, reserved instances Pay-as-you-go, reserved instances Pay-as-you-go, reserved instances Pay-as-you-go, reserved instances
Examples MySQL, PostgreSQL, MariaDB, Oracle, SQL Server Key-value stores, gaming leaderboards, mobile apps MySQL, PostgreSQL, Serverless, Global Databases Business intelligence, complex queries Session storage, leaderboard, caching Gaming, financial services, health care applications Content management systems, catalogs, user profiles IoT applications, messaging, gaming applications Social networks, recommendation engines, fraud detection IoT sensor data, financial trading, operational monitoring Supply chain tracking, financial systems, healthcare records

AWS Compute Services:

Feature EC2 Lambda Fargate ECS EKS Lightsail
Service Type Virtual Machines Serverless Functions Serverless Containers Container Orchestration Kubernetes Service Virtual Private Server
Pricing Model Pay per use (instance type, uptime) Pay per use (invocations, duration) Pay per use (vCPU, memory) Pay per use (EC2 instances or Fargate) Pay per use (EC2 instances, Fargate) Fixed monthly plans
Compute Capacity Configurable (instance types) Automatically scales Configurable (vCPU, memory) Configurable (instances, tasks) Configurable (nodes, pods) Fixed options (plans)
Operational Responsibility Server management (patching, scaling) Fully managed Cluster management Cluster management Cluster management Fully managed
Deployment Model Virtual Machines Functions (code) Containers Containers Containers Virtual Machines
Orchestration Manual or third-party tools Fully managed ECS or EKS ECS EKS Manual or third-party tools
Primary Use Case Long-running applications, monoliths Event-driven, short-lived tasks Microservices, batch jobs Containerized applications Containerized applications, microservices Simple web apps, blogs, websites
Integration Wide range of AWS services Integrates with many AWS services Integrates with other AWS services Integrates with other AWS services Integrates with other AWS services Fewer integrations
Scalability Vertical (instance types), Horizontal (Auto Scaling) Automatically scales Horizontal scaling Horizontal scaling Horizontal scaling Vertical scaling (plan changes)
Container Support Yes (with Docker or other tools) No Yes (managed containers) Yes Yes Limited

EC2 instance types

Instance Type On-Demand Reserved Spot Dedicated Hosts Dedicated Instances Capacity Reserved
Pricing Pay per second, no upfront cost Upfront payment for a term, hourly usage fee Bid-based, fluctuating price Per-host billing, hourly rate Per-instance billing, hourly rate Upfront payment, hourly usage fee
Cost Savings - Up to 72% discount Up to 90% discount - - Discount over On-Demand
Instance Availability Available as needed Reserved capacity Opportunistic, can be interrupted Dedicated physical servers Dedicated physical server capacity Reserved capacity
Use Case Short-term, unpredictable workloads Steady-state, predictable usage Fault-tolerant, flexible workloads Compliance, licensing, legacy apps Compliance, licensing requirements Predictable usage
Term Commitment None 1 or 3 years None 3 years None 1 or 3 years
Instance Types All Specific Varies, based on availability Specific Specific Specific

AWS Services List